Abudefduf sexfasciatus
- Scissortail sergeant
- Scherenschwanz-Sergeant
- Sergent-major à queue en ciseaux
- Sargento de la scissor-cola
- Pesce sergente dalla coda a forbice
- The tropical Pacific
- The Red Sea
- The Indian Ocean
Environment and movement of the diurnal species
- The species is generally observed on the reef or near it.
- The species is generally seen moving in its environment.
- The species can be found between 1 and 20 Meters.
- Very common species.
General behaviour of the species
- The species is territorial
- Species generally living in a group
- The animal is rather indifferent to the diver, though it remains on its guard
General characteristics of the species
- Maximum size : 19 cm
- The animal feeds on plankton or small organisms.
- Diet : Zooplankton - Algae
Relationship with humans
- The species can be eaten but is of no particular culinary interest
The species can be confused with other species of similar appearance!