Echeneis neucratoides
Whitefin sharksucker
Witvin remora
Rémora à queue blanche
Pega aletablanca;Remora de aleta blanca
- The tropical Atlantic
Environment and movement of the diurnal species
- The species is generally found in the open sea.
- The species is generally seen moving in its environment.
- The species can be found between 0 and 50 Meters.
- Uncommon Species
General behaviour of the species
- Species generally solitary
- The species is a parasite of other fish
- The animal shows curiosity towards the diver
General characteristics of the species
- Maximum size : 75 cm
Relationship with humans
- The species can be eaten but is of no particular culinary interest
- The species is exploited in the following sector(s) :
- - Aquarium enthusiasts.
- - Fishing or commercial aquiculture for food
The species can be confused with other species of similar appearance!