Lethrinus xanthochilus
Yellowlip emperor
Bec de cane à lèvres jaunes
Emperador de labios amarillos
Imperatore dal labbro giallo
- The tropical Pacific
- The Red Sea
- The Indian Ocean
Environment and movement of the diurnal species
- The species is generally observed on the reef or near it.
- The species is generally seen moving in its environment.
- The species can be found between 2 and 100 Meters.
- Uncommon Species
General behaviour of the species
- Species generally solitary
- The animal is fearful of the diver
General characteristics of the species
- Maximum size : 70 cm
- The animal is a hunter low in the food chain.
- Diet : - Fishes - Echinoderms
Relationship with humans
- The species is good to eat
- The species is exploited in the following sector(s) :
- - Fishing or commercial aquiculture for food
- -Sport or local fishing
The species can be confused with other species of similar appearance!